Still Terrible
Before the latest update my review was: "Often fails to recognize kanji correctly, even in a simple, clear photograph. Quality of Japanese to English translation awful - usually meaningless. Attempts to read katakana like kanji and cant cope with simple numbers. Complete waste of money."
After the update, its still as useless as before. Heres the translation it gave me for a retail outlets opening hours and other details:
"you want compatible with school-Sa-cycle> 邁 few days over · · · o K: to oO -I will be 22 this Sobatodoroki OO rise Mo~ya OK Tsukematoihettsui Te large Fumio! 丶We nutrient in H Sa-over-cycle surprise 嚢警 竇 Ku 勒務 o I!! 丿 Ku Hettsuiwara 邁勒 Ol !"
英語先生 about
Babelshot: Translate Instantly Using Phone Camera, v1.5